Lucid registration number and Systemnachweis
If Hive will fulfill your orders from one of the German fulfillement centers, Hive needs your Lucid registration number and Systemnachweis before the start of fulfillment. Through registering with Lucid and licensing the packaging materials that will be used for your orders, you pay for the costs of recycling the materials that will be put into the waste system for your brand. This is necessary to comply with the German law and non-compliance could lead to high fines
Please email your Lucid registration number and Systemnachweis PDF to your Account Manager and Onboarding Manager.
If you do not have your Lucid registration number and Systemnachweis yet, please follow the steps below:
- Click on the LUCID registration page for manufacturers:
- Create a login (go through all 4 steps: “Master data”, “Packaging details”, “Brand names” and “Summary”).
- Receive confirmation of the data within 24 hours through the verification link received by mail
- Complete the master data in the LUCID account
- License your packaging at a dual system like Interseroh+ via Lizenzero (if not already done) → this is the 2nd obligation of the VerpackG, the system participation obligation; only after this further obligation is fulfilled, the registration at LUCID can be completed, see points 6 to 8 deposit registration number with your dual system
- You can get a 10% discount at Lizenzero by using the code ‘HIVE24’
- Enter the name of the dual system in the LUCID master data
- Indicate the packaging quantities licensed by you with the dual system for the current year under the tab “Data reporting “.
- See the video HERE for a total walkthrough (HERE in German).
- Please email your Lucid registration number and Systemnachweis PDF to your Account Manager and Onboarding Manager.
Example Systemnachweis:
Lizenzero Teilnahmezertifikat (ohne Unterschrift) EXAMPLE.pdf